Our team members participate in the AESLA 2023 conference

Our InterGedi team members Prof. Rosa Lorés, Dr. Silvia Murillo, Paula Wood and Ana Sancho-Ortiz participated last April in the 40th International AESLA (“Spanish Society for Applied Linguistics” or “Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada”) conference. It was organised by the University of Extremadura, and it took place in Mérida from the 26th to the 28th…

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Daniel Pascual’s thesis defence

Our team member Dr Daniel Pascual Oliva defended his PhD thesis last March 17th, titled “Scientific dissemination and professional practices through digital media: The study of pragmatic strategies in the communication of international research projects”. This project was directed by our members Prof Rosa Lorés Sanz and Dr Pilar Mur Dueñas, and the viva was…

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InterGedi members publish in the CLAC Special Issue

Four of our team members, Rosa Lorés, Pilar Mur-Dueñas, Daniel Pascual and Isabel Herrando, have published their research in the new Special Issue of the journal Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación (CLAC). The first volume of this SI (Vol.90), titled “Posicionamiento y dialogicidad en la escritura académica y profesional” was published in May…

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Daniel Pascual delivers a workshop on digital tools

Our team member Daniel Pascual carried out a content and work session on digital tools and apps for retrieving and storing texts from websites for corpus compilations. Together we explored how they work and their affordances and limitations. He focused on three main tools: The first one was NCapture, which is a tool used with…

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CIRES Research Seminar 2022

Together with other members from the research group CIRES (Comunicación Internacional y Retos Sociales), the InterGedi team organised a research seminar titled “Research Methods in Discourse Analysis and Translation Studies” last Thursday 27th of October. We had four invited speakers from different universities in Spain; Pascual Pérez Paredes, Julia Valeiras, Noa Talaván and Miguel Ángel…

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Paula Wood delivers a workshop on the compilation of our new corpus SciDis

This October our junior team member Paula Wood carried out a group workshop on the first stages of the compilation process of the corpus of our new project, SciDis. The main aim of this project is to explore the discoursal and cognitive mechanisms and strategies (verbal and non-verbal) used by scientists to recontextualise and adapt…

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Daniel Pascual and Paula Wood present their projects at the AJL’22 conference

Daniel Pascual and Paula Wood delivered two papers at the 36th International Conference of the Asociación de Jóvenes Lingüistas (aimed at PhD students in the field of linguistics), which took place at the University of Sevilla during the 21st to 23rd of September 2022. Daniel Pascual discussed the theoretical and methodological approaches towards the ways…

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