AELFE 2024: Isabel Herrando explores the dissemination of medical research

Our member Dr. Isabel Herrando Rodrigo participated in the 22nd AELFE conference. This year the event was given the title “Challenges of LSP teaching and research in the era of the language technological revolution”, and it was celebrated as a hybrid event at the Institute of Languages for Specific Purposes of the Semmelweis University (Hungary)…

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EXPERT AND LAY VOICES IN ONLINE HEALTH COMMUNICATION: Isabel Herrando explores multimodal identity creation

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Our team member Isabel Herrando-Rodrigo participated in the seminar “Expert and Lay Voices in Online Health Communication”. This seminar, which was celebrated last 24th April, was organised by the Institute of English Studies of the Jagiellonian University (Kraków, Poland) and funded by the programme Excellence Initiative – Research University.  Isabel’s talk, which was done online,…

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AELFE 2023: Isabel Herrando explores genre and discourse practices in explainers

Isabel Herrando participated in the AELFE-LSPPC 2023 (European Association of Languages for Specific Purposes – Asia-Pacific LSP & Professional Communication Association) joint international conference, which was held in Zaragoza the days 28th-30th June 2023.  In her paper, titled “Exploring the genre and discourse practices of web-text explainers”, Isabel analysed 10 explainers from the website The…

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InterGedi members publish in the CLAC Special Issue

Four of our team members, Rosa Lorés, Pilar Mur-Dueñas, Daniel Pascual and Isabel Herrando, have published their research in the new Special Issue of the journal Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación (CLAC). The first volume of this SI (Vol.90), titled “Posicionamiento y dialogicidad en la escritura académica y profesional” was published in May…

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CMC 2022: Isabel Herrando explores the articles from The and the strategies used to build credibility

Isabel Herrando was a presenter at the 9th Conference on Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) and Social Media Corpora, hosted by the University of Santiago de Compostela during the days 28th and 29th September 2022. In her paper she explored The, which is a research dissemination platform, as an example of digital scientific recontextualisation practice, and…

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BCLSE 2021: Isabel Herrando-Rodrigo co-authors a paper on the dissemination of (dis)information through podcasts with Pedro Satústegui and Noelia Navas

At the 9th edition of the Brno Conference of Linguistic Studies in English, which was organised at Masaryk University and took place online during the 14th and 15th September, our InterGedi member Isabel Herrando-Rodrigo presented a communication enclosed in the strand “COVID and English Language Discourse” together with Pedro Satústegui and Noelia Navas, colleagues from…

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Isabel Herrando-Rodrigo and Enrique Lafuente-Millán will present their latest research at Brno Conference on Linguistic Studies in English

Next Thursday and Friday the ninth edition of the Brno Conference on Linguistic Studies in English will take place. The event, which will be celebrated online due to the Covid-19 situation, has this year the theme “Patterns and Variation in English Language Discourse”. During the two days, participants will attend numerous communications on online discourse,…

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InterGedi in CLAVIER 2019

28th-29th November 2019. At the end of November, InterGedi participated at the Clavier Conference, hosted this time in Pisa, Italy. The motto of the forum was this year ‘Knowledge Dissemination and Multimodal Literacy: Research Perspectives on ESP in a Digital Age’.  We contributed the second day with a presentation carried out by Isabel Herrando-Rodrigo and…

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CLAVIER 2019: Isabel Herrando-Rodrigo and Rosa Lorés-Sanz about multimodal literacies in ESP learning and teaching

As a way to transfer research results into teaching, and within the landscape of digital communicative practices, Dr Lorés-Sanz and Dr Herrando-Rodrigo presented their pilot experience as an example of a multimodal innovative teaching practice. From their observations and the ethnographically informed research, they concluded that a multimodal approach in ESP settings, –combined with other methodologies,…

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