Rosa Lorés delivers a plenary talk on digital scientific textual practices at the CMC 2022 conference
Rosa Lorés, Silvia Murillo and Isabel Herrando participated in the 9th Conference on Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) and Social Media Corpora, which was hosted by the Faculty of Philology of the University of Santiago de Compostela during the days 28th and 29th September 2022.

Dr. Rosa Lorés was a keynote speaker at this event. Her plenary lecture, titled “A look into digital scientific textual practices: Compiling and exploiting corpora from a discourse-analytical perspective”, explored the InterGedi research group’s experience in the compilation and exploitation of digital corpora, especially the selection criteria and the methodological approaches for the analysis of these corpora. For more information about her talk click here.

Dr. Silvia Murillo delivered a paper titled “New media, new discourse functions: Reformulation processes in international H2020 project websites and Twitter accounts”, in which she explored the reformulation processes in different websites and Twitter accounts from the H2020 corpus, and studied the extent to which they change in the new digital media. You can read more about Silvia Murillo’s paper here.

Finally, in her paper “‘Our editors work with academics and researchers to bring you stories no one else in the media can’: Credibility building in The”, Dr. Isabel Herrando presented the analysis of three articles from the research dissemination platform “The” and explored the insightful results of this analysis. Click here for more information about her paper.
Thank you to our three team members for sharing their research findings and giving more visibility to our project.