Linguistic Corner

The Linguistic Corner aims to prepare activities intended mostly for undergraduate students completing the Degree in English studies who are particularly interested in the study of the English language.

Through the Linguistic Corner we aim to:

  1. develop the participants’ general competences
  2. enable them to know or discover specific topics concerning English
  3. discuss current issues around the role of English as a Lingua Franca
  4. deal with cultural aspects of the English world critically
  5. mentor students about academic and professional options

Past seminars

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Our Events

That's the way we are... We take part in different kind of projects aim to generate knowledge about digital genres in English used by academics and professionals to strengthen the visibility of their research output. 

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Latest events

New publication about how research websites are spaces to promote research project values by Rosa Lorés

Our project about science communication on the web and the expanding role and significance of international research in the academic and professional spheres keeps moving forward! It is in this case a great pleasure to announce the publication of an article in the journal Discourse, Context & Media authored by our research colleague Rosa Lorés.…

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InterGedi in CLAVIER 2019

28th-29th November 2019. At the end of November, InterGedi participated at the Clavier Conference, hosted this time in Pisa, Italy. The motto of the forum was this year ‘Knowledge Dissemination and Multimodal Literacy: Research Perspectives on ESP in a Digital Age’.  We contributed the second day with a presentation carried out by Isabel Herrando-Rodrigo and…

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Seminar to learn how to use NVivo and make the most of our data qualitatively

Yesterday, 15th November, we had a research group meeting to get to know the NVivo software tool. It was truly a pleasure that Dr. Elena Goñi Osácar, who had used NVivo for her own investigations, gave the seminar and could answer all our questions. We are grateful that she accepted our invitation because of the…

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Digital methods in practice! Insightful workshop for InterGedi research

We have participated in an all-day hands-on workshop organised by the University of Navarra at its campus in Madrid last Wednesday, 13th November.  The workshop, consisting of three different seminars, was a wonderful opportunity to delve into research methodologies as applied to digital texts and communication online. The first session, delivered by Eleonora Esposito, from…

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InterGedi participates in Psylex V workshop

Last 24th and 25th October, we participated in the Pyslex V workshop, organized by our colleagues, the Psylex research group, at the Department of General and Spanish Linguistcis at the University of Zaragoza. The event was held at the Faculty of Education and, in this edition, focused on the exploration and exploitation of a wide…

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Translating for persuasion or for communication? Tina Suau is our guest speaker in the Linguistic Corner

4th April 2019. Suau Jiménez, Francisca:  Translating for persuasion vs translating for communication in tourism: Theoretical insights and practical approach Suau Jiménez, Francisca:  Translating for persuasion vs translating for communication in tourism: Theoretical insights and practical approach

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Daniel Pascual And Pilar Mur Dueñas give a session on digital texts in the EFL class as part of our Linguistic Corner activities

14th February 2019. In this session, we invited students to deal with the characteristics of digital genres that are commonly employed nowadays, and should be introduced in the language classroom, such as blogs. After discussing their communicative purposes and their similar and different affordances with other digital genres, we focused on some pedagogical and methodological…

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Isabel Corona opens the sessions of the Linguistic Corner with a workshop on translation and Gibraltar

13th December 2018 In the first session of the Linguistic Corner, we carried out an analysis of the main techniques used to translate news from Spanish into English and the effect that several processes, specific of journalistic texts, are put to use in the translation of controversial issues, in our case, news about Gibraltar published…

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First project meeting

All project members met at the Universidad de Zaragoza to advance in our research seeking to answer the project research questions. Methodological and theoretical aspects were the object of lively, fruitful discussions. 

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Seminar by Margaret Cargill on English for Research Publication Purposes – in Practice

21st September 2018 Margaret Cargill from the University of Adelaide (Australia) talked to us about how to design activities for student groups of different kinds and levels of experience, focusing on material development, including the use of corpora, about the provision of feedback to authors, how to train collaborators in ERPP practice and on the…

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