Posts by intergedi
Ramón Plo-Alastrué
Ramón Plo-Alastrué I am a full professor in the Department of English and German Studies at the Faculty of Arts, Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain). The structure and symbolic meaning of Lawrence Durrell’s “quincunx” of novels The Avignon Quintet was the subject of my doctoral dissertation back in 1996. Since then, I have been a member…
Read MoreRosa Lorés
Rosa Lorés Sanz I am a full professor in the Department of English and German Studies at the Faculty of Arts, Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain). My research has mainly focused on the exploration of discursive and lexicogrammatical features in written academic genres from the standpoint of intercultural rhetoric and the use of English as a…
Read MoreTranslating for persuasion or for communication? Tina Suau is our guest speaker in the Linguistic Corner
4th April 2019. Suau Jiménez, Francisca: Translating for persuasion vs translating for communication in tourism: Theoretical insights and practical approach Suau Jiménez, Francisca: Translating for persuasion vs translating for communication in tourism: Theoretical insights and practical approach
Read MorePG Tips Predoctoral Seminar at CARE (Centre of Advanced Research in English)
Dr Isabel Herrando-Rodrigo was invited to participate in a PG Tips Predoctoral Seminar at CARE (Centre of Advanced Research in English), University of Birmingham (UK), March 5, 2019. Herrando-Rodrigo, Isabel: “A research (hi)story of writers’ visibility; from written academic discourse to digital genres (and back to discourse)” This research seminar was addressed to doctoral students…
Read MoreDaniel Pascual And Pilar Mur Dueñas give a session on digital texts in the EFL class as part of our Linguistic Corner activities
14th February 2019. In this session, we invited students to deal with the characteristics of digital genres that are commonly employed nowadays, and should be introduced in the language classroom, such as blogs. After discussing their communicative purposes and their similar and different affordances with other digital genres, we focused on some pedagogical and methodological…
Read MoreIX BIFI National Conference Tools for a future research career
Dr Ramón Plo-Alastrué was invited to give a student workshop in the IX BIFI National Conference Tools for a future research career held at the Instituto Universitario de Investigación de Biocomputación y Física de Sistemas Complejos, Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain), January 30 – February 1, 2019. Plo-Alastrué, Ramón: “Giving a scientific presentation in English: Survival…
Read MoreIsabel Corona opens the sessions of the Linguistic Corner with a workshop on translation and Gibraltar
13th December 2018 In the first session of the Linguistic Corner, we carried out an analysis of the main techniques used to translate news from Spanish into English and the effect that several processes, specific of journalistic texts, are put to use in the translation of controversial issues, in our case, news about Gibraltar published…
Read MoreFirst project meeting
All project members met at the Universidad de Zaragoza to advance in our research seeking to answer the project research questions. Methodological and theoretical aspects were the object of lively, fruitful discussions.
Read MoreJornadas de Innovación AngloTIC 2018: Isabel Herrando explores how variables can shape writers’ identity
Isabel Herrando-Rodrigo was invited to participate at the Jornadas de Innovación AngloTIC at the Universidad de Valencia (Spain), the days 20th and 21st November, 2018. Isabel’s talk, which was titled “Do genre and context shape writers’ identity in scientific English texts?”, aimed at raising awareness on how variables, such as genre and situational context, shape…
Read MoreMETM’18: Oliver Shaw’s workshop on the discussion section in research articles.
Oliver Shaw conducted a workshop about the discussion section in academic research articles for the Mediterranean Editors and Translators Meeting (MEMT) that took place the 5th of October in Girona (Spain). His workshop was titled “The discussion section in academic research articles: patterns, practices and insights for editors and translators”, and the full abstract can…
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