The InterGedi team participates in the SEING IV conference

The 4th edition of the SEING (Seminar in English Studies) conference, celebrated last May, was organised by the English Philology Department at the University of Zaragoza and intended for doctoral students in English studies who wish to present their current research. This year the conference has been titled “English Studies in the New Normal”, as this was the first edition celebrated on-site since the year 2020. Various members of the InterGedi team participated in this event, fulfilling different roles.
Daniel Pascual and Paula Wood presented their current research in the linguistics panel. Daniel’s talk was titled “From Inception to Completion: Reflections and Actions in the Design of a Data-driven Taxonomy of Pragmatic Strategies”, and it focused on his methodological approach on the classification of pragmatic strategies used by research groups in their Twitter accounts to promote their projects. Next, Paula’s paper, titled “Audiovisual Materials for EFL in Secondary Education: Compilation and Analysis of a Corpus to Promote Students’ Skills”, examined how audiovisual materials such as scenes from films and series can be properly selected and multimodally analysed to be introduced in the Secondary Education EFL classroom to develop students’ multiliteracies and skills.
On the other hand, our colleagues Isabel Corona, Silvia Murillo and Pilar Mur-Dueñas participated in the conference as chairs of the linguistics panel at different times of the event, providing the presenters with useful and insightful feedback and engaging the audience.
This year’s edition was a very successful one, having presenters from different disciplines in the English Studies Doctoral Program in Zaragoza as well as from other regions of Spain, and at varying stages of their research. We are looking forward to the next edition in 2024.