Rosa Lorés and Pilar Mur-Dueñas edit a Special Issue on Scientific and Parascientific Communication at Publications

As announced here some months ago, Rosa Lorés and Pilar Mur-Dueñas have edited and now published the Special Issue “Scientific and Parascientific Communication” in the international, open-access journal Publications. It explores the digital, multimedia and multimodal practices of scientists to disseminate their research results, and that frequently entail the blurring of boundaries between experts and non-experts, between scientific communities and the general public.
Some of our team members have published their research in this Special Issue. Jan Engberg and Carmen Daniela Maier co-authored the first article of the Issue, titled “Multimodal Generic Trends of Harvard Business Review Knowledge Communication in and beyond Social Media Context: Exploiting Affordances, Neglecting Opportunities”. In this article they present a research project focused on the dissemination of knowledge of academics from the domain of business and management to professionals and other non-academic communicative partners in the context of the Harvard Business Review journal.
Following Jan and Carmen’s article is Marina Bondi’s, titled “Dialogicity in Individual and Institutional Scientific Blogs”. Her paper focuses on variation across these two types of scientific blogs, using comparable corpora of posts from different scientific disciplines and particularly looking at markers of dialogicity, markers of communicative action and evaluative dialogue.
Read our colleagues’ papers and the rest of the insightful articles published in this Special Issue here.