CERLIS 2018: Silvia Murillo. Knowledge Transfer and Knowledge Exchange in Academia
Murillo Ornat, Silvia: “Reformulation processes in European project websites: an exploratory study” Abstract Nowadays, most international projects have an associated website, which is potentially used as a means to disseminate the results of their research and to enhance the academic…
View moreCERLIS 2018: Pilar Mur. Knowledge Transfer and Knowledge Exchange in Academia
Mur-Dueñas, Pilar: “Knowledge dissemination through research project websites: engaging and interacting with a wide audience” Abstract Academics are currently not only required to produce primary output, i.e. peer-reviewed research articles, chapters or books, which constitutes certified and legitimised knowledge, and…
View moreCERLIS 2018: Rosa Lorés. Knowledge Transfer and Knowledge Exchange in Academia
Lorés-Sanz, Rosa: “Digital spaces of knowledge dissemination and visibility: Promotional discourse in European research projects websites” Abstract Professional and discursive practices within Academia are undergoing a deep process of evolution and change due basically to two phenomena which feed each…
View moreCERLIS 2018: Isabel Herrando-Rodrigo and Ramón Plo. Knowledge Transfer and Knowledge Exchange in Academia
Herrando-Rodrigo, Isabel, and Plo-Alastrué, Ramón: “An ethnographic approach to digital knowledge transfer genres” Abstract Current quality standards in the academia are raising scholars’ awareness not only of the importance of becoming an active contributor in their specific disciplines but also…
View more8th INPRA 2018: International Conference Intercultural Pragmatics & Communication
Pascual, Daniel: “An intercultural and intergeneric analysis of speech acts in travel blogs” Abstract (Travel) blogs constitute an up-to-date widespread instance of digital discourse opening up new paths for interaction thanks to its potential dialogicity, informality and immediacy (Boyd 2006).…
View more5th CRILL International Conference Legal Discourse: Context, Media and Social Power
Corona, Isabel: “Damage control in corporate e-releases: “When things go rough, the rough get going” Abstract Corporate communication policy is generally concerned with construing and projecting the company’s identity and image. Web-mediated press releases (or e-releases) have been profusely studied…
View more2nd Conference New Trends to Foreign Language Teaching
Pascual, Daniel: “How to exploit travel blogs in the EFL classroom from a genre-based approach” Abstract As digital natives, Secondary Education students should be provided with enough opportunities in the English as a Foreign Language classroom to properly enhance their…
View more36th AESLA 2018: Conference Applied Linguistics and Knowledge Transfer: Employability, Internationalization and Social Challenges
Plo-Alastrué, Ramón, and Herrando-Rodrigo, Isabel: “Disseminating academic knowledge through digital interactive genres: Are Spanish scholars meeting this social challenge?” Abstract Researchers are nowadays encouraged to meet certain social challenges, posed for instance by H2020, in order to increase their reputation,…
View more36th AESLA 2018: Conference Applied Linguistics and Knowledge Transfer: Employability, Internationalization and Social Challenges
Pascual, Daniel: “What can I find in a travel blog? The writing of posts by ELF speakers” Abstract Currently the digital world is offering new modes of communication that enable a more immediate and dialogical interaction. Within it, the blog…
View moreMET 2018: Oliver Shaw conducted a workshop on genre analysis
Oliver Shaw was invited by the professional association Mediterranean Editors and Translators (MET) to conduct a workshop on genre analysis in Milan (Italy), April 6th 2018. The abstract of this workshop, which was titled “The discussion section in academic research…
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