Daniel Pascual’s thesis defence
Our team member Dr Daniel Pascual Oliva defended his PhD thesis last March 17th, titled “Scientific dissemination and professional practices through digital media: The study of pragmatic strategies in the communication of international research projects”. This project was directed by our members Prof Rosa Lorés Sanz and Dr Pilar Mur Dueñas, and the viva was chaired by Dr Silvia Murillo Ornat. Two of our international team members were board members as well: Prof Marina Bondi (Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia) and Prof Jan Engberg (Aarhus University), to whom we want to thank for their time to travel to the University of Zaragoza for this event.

Dr Pascual received a cum laude distinction for his PhD thesis, which focuses on the analysis of pragmatic strategies employed by the international scientific research groups through their official websites and Twitter accounts for knowledge dissemination and e-visibility.
From the InterGedi team, we want to congratulate Dr Daniel Pascual Oliva for such an impressive PhD defence, that will undoubtedly contribute to the field of pragmatics and to the analysis of science dissemination.