Posts by intergedi
AELFE 2024: Isabel Herrando explores the dissemination of medical research
Our member Dr. Isabel Herrando Rodrigo participated in the 22nd AELFE conference. This year the event was given the title “Challenges of LSP teaching and research in the era of the language technological revolution”, and it was celebrated as a hybrid event at the Institute of Languages for Specific Purposes of the Semmelweis University (Hungary)…
Read MoreIVACS2024: Paula Wood-Borque explores the compilation of a multimodal corpus
Paula Wood-Borque was one of our PhD candidates that participated in the IVACS biennial conference (more information on this event here) on the 16th and 17th of July at the University of Cambridge. Paula’s paper was titled “Development of materials for the English as a Foreign Language classroom: Compilation and analysis of a multimodal corpus”.…
Read MorePilar Mur-Dueñas and Vicky Gil present ICLHE programme and connections with InterGedi project in several events
In the last couple of months, our colleagues Pilar Mur-Dueñas and Vicky Gil have participated in several academic events presenting the ICLHE programme at Universidad de Zaragoza. As members of the CLIC@unizar group, they have been discussing advantages of exploiting this programme for future teacher trainers and scholars, highlighting original theoretical and methodological approaches. In…
Read MoreIVACS2024: Ana E. Sancho-Ortiz presents the compilation challenges of the SciDis Database
Ana E. Sancho-Ortiz took part in the 11th Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies (IVACS) conference with a paper entitled “Methodological challenges in working with digitally-mediated data: The compilation of the SciDis (Science Dissemination) Database”. For this event, celebrated in the University of Cambridge on the 16th and 17th of July, our PhD candidate prepared a methodological…
Read MoreIntergedi representation at the IVACS conference
Our three PhD candidates, Ana E. Sancho Ortiz, Paula Wood Borque and Luis Martínez-Kleiser, participated in the 11th Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies (IVACS) Biennial Conference, which took place at the University of Cambridge (UK) during the 16th and 17th of July 2024. IVACS is an international research centre and network that mainly focuses on…
Read MoreIVACS2024: Luis Martínez-Kleiser presents a poster on recontextualisation features in blogs for adolescents
Luis Martínez-Kleiser participated in the 11th Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies (IVACS) conference, which was celebrated in the University of Cambridge on the 16th and 17th of July. Luis presented a poster titled “Online dissemination of scientific content for educational purposes: recontextualising texts for teenage audiences”. In it, he presented a study of discursive strategies in…
Read MoreInterGedi and TU Chemnitz embark on a new project: “I, Expert: Media competence for science through linguistics”
InterGedi is thrilled to officially announce a new project in collaboration with Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany. The project is sponsored by the DAAD research programme (German Academic Exchange Service), which is funded by the world’s largest funding organisation, supporting the international exchange of students and scholars. Led by our colleague Marina Ivanova, together with other…
Read MoreTaLC 2024: Luis Martínez-Kleiser analyses linguistic patterns in scientific texts for adolescents
Our team member Luis Martínez-Kleiser participated in the 16th Teaching and Language Corpora (TaLC) conference, celebrated in the Manchester Metropolitan University (UK) from the 7th to the 10th of July 2024. The main topics of this conference revolved around corpus-based approaches to language learning, teaching and assessment. In his paper, which was titled “Scientific dissemination…
Read MoreNew publications in the Discourse and Interaction academic journal
Our team member Dr. Pilar Mur-Dueñas has recently had an article published in the new volume of the academic journal Discourse and Interaction (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic). The title of her article is “Digital dissemination practices: An analysis of explanatory strategies in the process of recontextualising specialised knowledge”, and it explores the use of…
Read MoreARDAA 2024: Paula Wood-Borque explores the use of films and series as pedagogical tools
Our team member Paula Wood-Borque participated in the conference organised by the French Association for Research in English Learning and Teaching (ARDAA) in the University Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris, France). The conference was titled “Teaching and learning English as a Foreign Language in Educational Settings: Issues and Specificities”, and took place from the 26th to the…
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