UPCEL 2024: Ana E. Sancho-Ortiz approaches knowledge dissemination practices on expert Instagram profiles

Ana E. Sancho-Ortiz presented the current stage of her research at the 5th International UCM Predoctoral Conference on English Linguistics, held at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid on the 23rd-24th January 2024. In her presentation, titled “Knowledge Dissemination on Instagram: Exploring Recontextualization and remediation practices on physiotherapy accounts”, she explained the results of a pilot study on a sample of 30 Instagram posts from two individual expert accounts on physiotherapy. Her findings reflect the surprising prevalence of the verbal mode in this visual-centric social media platform, on the one hand, and the consistent reliance on interactional metadiscourse resources (namely attitude markers and self mentions), on the other. Both features seem to relate to the preoccupation of the account holders to craft a complex, multi-faceted expert identity. 

The full abstract of her talk can be consulted as follows: