As hinted on one of our latest events, the compilation of texts created during the “I, Expert” Autumn School would soon be made available. So, we are delighted to announce that you can already find it on the “I, Expert” website. Many thanks to leading project researcher Dr Marina Ivanova for putting the productions together and publishing the compilation in no time!
One of the key objectives of the “I, Expert: Media competence for science through linguistics” is to raise awareness of linguistic strategies that science dissemination practices hinge on. To this end, the annotated collection that has just been published seeks to contribute to making the endeavour of science communication smoother for us researchers. This compilation is made up of both Twitter/X posts and press releases that were produced and manually annotated on-site during the workshops held in the Autumn School – have a quick look at the programme here.

On the one hand, the collection of Twitter/X publications contains example posts fulfilling different communicative purposes, such as the announcement of a recent publication by a research group member or an upcoming event. The posts are broken down into segments, analysed and classified in terms of the pragmatic strategies involved and their verbal and visual realisations. As for the press releases, the annotations include perceptive comments which pinpoint and explain aspects related to their rhetorical structure, metadiscursive features, and recontextualising strategies employed. All in all, the annotated compilation of Twitter/X posts and press releases lays down some practical guidelines for disseminating science effectively that is now open to the public’s consultation any time from now on.
Once again, we’d like to express our gratitude for the fruitful cooperation with Dr Marina Ivanova and her colleagues from TU Chemnitz as part of the DAAD “I, Expert: Media competence for science through linguistics” project. It’s been a real pleasure to work in tandem, be able to share insights into how science is disseminated and produce tangible materials for us researchers and for science communicators to use!