ADDA2 2019: Daniel Pascual analyses the use of Twitter as a networking mechanism for international research groups

Daniel Pascual participated in the 2nd ADDA (Approaches to Digital Discourse Analysis) international conference organised at the University of Turku, Finland (23-25 May 2019). This forum provided wonderful insights into digital discourses in new genres, media and platforms, including social media. Daniel presented a preliminary study of the interrelationship between Twitter and research project websites,…

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Daniel Pascual

Daniel Pascual I am a research fellow in the Department of English and German Studies at the University of Zaragoza (Spain). I finished my PhD thesis in 2023, for which I was granted a competitive research fellowship financed by the Diputación General de Aragón (DGA). My thesis is framed within the field of Applied Linguistics…

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Daniel Pascual And Pilar Mur Dueñas give a session on digital texts in the EFL class as part of our Linguistic Corner activities

14th February 2019. In this session, we invited students to deal with the characteristics of digital genres that are commonly employed nowadays, and should be introduced in the language classroom, such as blogs. After discussing their communicative purposes and their similar and different affordances with other digital genres, we focused on some pedagogical and methodological…

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XVII AELFE 2018: Daniel Pascual. Innovation and research in the globalization era

Pascual, Daniel: “What is there within a blog? Generic relationships in travel blog posts and comments” Abstract Immediacy and accessibility characterize the use of the net when retrieving information and interacting with other users. Interactions have largely evolved thanks to digital genres, which allow for dialogical and bilateral relationships in the web that traditional printed…

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8th INPRA 2018: International Conference Intercultural Pragmatics & Communication

Pascual, Daniel: “An intercultural and intergeneric analysis of speech acts in travel blogs” Abstract (Travel) blogs constitute an up-to-date widespread instance of digital discourse opening up new paths for interaction thanks to its potential dialogicity, informality and immediacy (Boyd 2006). Certain speech acts are pragmatically useful (Searle 1985) to ensure bloggers’ closeness and interaction with…

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2nd Conference New Trends to Foreign Language Teaching

Pascual, Daniel: “How to exploit travel blogs in the EFL classroom from a genre-based approach” Abstract As digital natives, Secondary Education students should be provided with enough opportunities in the English as a Foreign Language classroom to properly enhance their digital competence. To trigger this improvement lessons can include up-to-date widely-used digital genres which may…

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