Pilar Mur-Dueñas will be a plenary speaker at the Association of LSP Teachers 6th International Conference in Osijek

Our team member Dr. Pilar Mur-Dueñas will participate and deliver a plenary talk at the Association of LSP Teachers 6th International Conference: Contemporary Challenges in LSP Teaching that will take place at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in the University of Osijek (Croatia) the days 23rd-25th of February 2023.
Her talk will be titled “Emerging and evolving digitally-mediated discursive practices: A challenge for LSP training”, and it will focus on how dissemination of specialised knowledge and its recontextualisation and communication need to be present in the LSP classroom, and the challenges this may pose to teachers.
The presentation will have three main objectives; (1) to focus on research which has unveiled digital practices and genres commonly employed by professionals, (2) to identify and discuss digital medium affordances and aspects which have a bearing on how specialised knowledge and information is communicated and recontextualized, and which can be of special significance for professional practices, and (3) to argue why and how not only students’ communication skills and disciplinary literacies, but also their multiliteracies, need to be developed in the LSP classroom.
We are looking forward to this conference and to Pilar’s talk, of which we will post more information in February.