InterGedi at AESLA 2022
Our team members Rosa Lorés, Pilar Mur-Dueñas and Daniel Pascual participated in the 39th edition of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics (AESLA) Conference, hosted by the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria on the 27th-29th April 2022.

Rosa Lorés delivered a paper titled “Engaging diversified audiences: pragmatic strategies in the recontextualization of expert knowledge in digital dissemination discourse”, in which she explored a corpus of digital research digests to identify and discuss the processes of recontextualization in these digests from a pragmatic perspective. Here you can find more information about her paper.

In her talk “Recontextualising research results: An analysis of explanatory strategies in project research websites”, Pilar Mur-Dueñas examined the ways in which explanatory and illustrative strategies in H2020 research project websites are used to communicate specialised knowledge. For this, she carried out a multimodal analysis of these websites with NVivo. You can read more about Pilar’s talk here.

Finally, Daniel Pascual’s paper, titled “The self-branding of international research projects in Twitter: Pragmatic strategies to promote research groups’ investigation and identity”, explored the different pragmatic strategies that international research groups employ in their Twitter accounts to promote their projects. Daniel presented a data-driven taxonomy of promotional pragmatic strategies that he designed for this purpose. To read more about his paper click here.