ADDA2 2019: Daniel Pascual analyses the use of Twitter as a networking mechanism for international research groups

Daniel Pascual participated in the 2nd ADDA (Approaches to Digital Discourse Analysis) international conference organised at the University of Turku, Finland (23-25 May 2019). This forum provided wonderful insights into digital discourses in new genres, media and platforms, including social media. Daniel presented a preliminary study of the interrelationship between Twitter and research project websites,…

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PG Tips Predoctoral Seminar at CARE (Centre of Advanced Research in English)

Dr Isabel Herrando-Rodrigo was invited to participate in a PG Tips Predoctoral Seminar at CARE (Centre of Advanced Research in English), University of Birmingham (UK), March 5, 2019. Herrando-Rodrigo, Isabel: “A research (hi)story of writers’ visibility; from written academic discourse to digital genres (and back to discourse)” This research seminar was addressed to doctoral students…

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IX BIFI National Conference Tools for a future research career

Dr Ramón Plo-Alastrué was invited to give a student workshop in the IX BIFI National Conference Tools for a future research career held at the Instituto Universitario de Investigación de Biocomputación y Física de Sistemas Complejos, Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain), January 30 – February 1, 2019. Plo-Alastrué, Ramón: “Giving a scientific presentation in English: Survival…

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METM’18: Oliver Shaw’s workshop on the discussion section in research articles.

Oliver Shaw conducted a workshop about the discussion section in academic research articles for the Mediterranean Editors and Translators Meeting (MEMT) that took place the 5th of October in Girona (Spain). His workshop was titled “The discussion section in academic research articles: patterns, practices and insights for editors and translators”, and the full abstract can…

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14th ESSE 2018: Transferring knowledge within academic and institutional contexts: A focus on new and hybrid digital genres

Herrando-Rodrigo, Isabel: “Who’s talking to me?: The construction of writers’ identity in digital academic genres” Abstract Nowadays Internet has become the platform which everybody resorts to when suffering from a health problem. This urgent need to find out medical information (Herrando-Rodrigo, 2014) has led institutions and mass media publications to craft a new digital genre…

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14th ESSE 2018: Transferring knowledge within academic and institutional contexts: A focus on new and hybrid digital genres

Corona, Isabel: “A window to the world: Visual design and research visibility of European research projects homepages” Abstract The growth and specialization of scientific output and the increasing prevalence of transnational collaborative efforts in academia have led researchers to seek greater visibility within a highly competitive playing field, while creating a need to optimize the…

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14th ESSE 2018: Transferring knowledge within academic and institutional contexts: A focus on new and hybrid digital genres

Rosa Lorés-Sanz (InterGedi) and Giuliana Diani (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italia) organized the Seminar “Transferring knowledge within academic and institutional contexts: A focus on new and hybrid digital genres” at the 14th ESSE Conference, which took place in Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic), August 29-September 2, 2018. In this Seminar, two other members…

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XVII AELFE 2018: Daniel Pascual. Innovation and research in the globalization era

Pascual, Daniel: “What is there within a blog? Generic relationships in travel blog posts and comments” Abstract Immediacy and accessibility characterize the use of the net when retrieving information and interacting with other users. Interactions have largely evolved thanks to digital genres, which allow for dialogical and bilateral relationships in the web that traditional printed…

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