AMPRA-6: Rosa Lorés explores pragmatic strategies for the recontextualization of expert knowledge in online magazines

Dr.Rosa Lorés was one of the three members that participated in the 6th International Conference of the American Pragmatics Association on the 27th, 28th and 29th of September.

In her talk, which was titled "Strategies for engaging the audience: A pragmatic exploration of the recontextualization of expert knowledge in digital discourse", Rosa explored the pragmatic processes of recontextualization employed by knowledge mediators  in 30 articles from the online magazines Smithsonian Magazine and Popular Science. In order to understand the pragmatic functions and strategies involved in recontextualizing expert knowledge for heterogeneous audiences on these digital media, she focused on strategies considered expert-oriented (i.e. referencing expert opinions to showcase specialised knowledge) and audience-oriented (i.e. sharing common experiences). As part of her concluding remarks, Rosa advocated for a view of digital dissemination of expert knowledge that encompasses pragmatics in order to go beyond linguistics.

Click here for more information about this event. The abstract of Rosa’s talk can be consulted as follows: