AJL2023: Ana Sancho examines recontextualisation and remediation practices in physiotherapy Twitter accounts

Our PhD candidate Ana E. Sancho-Ortiz participated in the XXXVII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Jóvenes Lingüistas (AJL2023). This year’s edition took place at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid from the 6th to the 8th of November. 

In her paper, titled “Recontextualisation and remediation in Twitter for science dissemination: Analysing dissemination on physiotherapy Twitter accounts”, Ana presented a pilot study in which she examined the practices of recontextualisation and remediation observed in the tweets produced by two Twitter accounts focused on physiotherapy. For this, she carried out a multimodal analysis of the most salient verbal and visual features found in 60 tweets from the two accounts, which were taken from her corpus. The results of her study revealed that most of the tweets used visuals as conceptual structures while the verbal mode was used to represent narrative structures. These findings can help better understand the dissemination and recontextualization practices used by the scientific community in digital platforms nowadays.

The abstract of Ana’s talk can be consulted as follows: