SciDis international research meeting
Last February the 16th we held out first on-site meeting together with our international members – Prof. Jan Engberg, Prof. Carmen Daniela Maier, Prof. Marina Bondi and Prof. Suganthi John – to talk about our project SciDis and discuss our research up to now and further steps. We divided this all-day meeting into three sessions, in which all of our team members had a chance to participate and present a part of our project.
In session 1, we talked about the rationale of the SciDis project: What we are doing (our general objectives), why are doing it (to explore recontextualisation of scientific knowledge in digital media platforms and to provide discursive tools to researchers), where we are doing it (in the fields of health, natural sciences and economy) and how we are doing it (by creating and analysing our SciDis database). We then talked about our database, presenting our criteria for compilation and a sample of what has been compiled up to now. Finally, we navigated through our InterGedi website.
Afterwards in session two, we discussed some theoretical and methodological challenges and steps ahead in our project. These challenges are mainly related to multimodality and how to approach it in a way that is effective; to our corpus compilation and exploitation; and to ethnographic perspectives applied to digital content. In the final part of this session, we talked about venues for future joint collaboration.
Finally in session three, our team members Paula Wood-Borque, Dr. Vicky Gil, Luis Martínez-Kleiser and Alba Ansó-Millán shared their projects and research to receive feedback from the rest of the group.
It was a really fruitful and interesting meeting that allowed us to advance in our project and determine our next steps. Thank you to our international members for coming all the way to Zaragoza and offering us your insights!