Vicky Gil
Vicky Gil

I was born in the U.S. and hold a PhD in Applied Linguistics. I am currently a full time assistant lecturer in the Department of English and German Studies at the Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Educación de Universidad de Zaragoza in Huesca (Spain). My research proposes and analyzes a teacher training model and framework for curriculum design and its use in classrooms in Aragón. I hope to continue to explore English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) professional development and the dissemination of know-how and good practices within a worldwide community of practitioners. I am a member of the research group CIRES (Intercultural communication and societal challenges), financed by the Government of Aragon and the EU.
I have published research on Bilingual Education, American literature and film and have co-authored Super Me and Teddy’s Train, TEFL textbooks for Young Learners from Pre-Primary to Year 2 Primary, published by Oxford University Press. More recently I have co-authored a collection of CLIL textbooks and Teacher Guides for the integrated teaching of Arts and/or Science in English at Pre-school and Primary level entitled Communicative Arts and Crafts/ Communicative Science published by Editorial Sapiens. I belong to the CLIC@unizar team appointed by the Vice-Rectorship for Internationalization and Cooperation of the Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain) in charge of designing, implementing and evaluating the training itinerary for lecturers teaching and wishing to teach through the medium of English at our institution. I am also a member of the CIFICE (Centro de Innovación, Formación e Investigación en Ciencias de la Educación) at the Universidad de Zaragoza.
My research can be found on: