Posts Tagged ‘Isabel Herrando’
MAG 2019: Rosa Lorés and Isabel Herrando-Rodrigo discuss new identity markers in digital texts
With the aim to problematize metadiscourse as a framework for the study of writer’s identity and voice, Dr Herrando-Rodrigo and Dr Lorés-Sanz investigated writers’ visibility in a corpus of websites. Their results showed that new markers had to be identified to explore how e-visibility was constructed and projected and that three types could be identified:…
Read MoreIsabel Herrando-Rodrigo
Isabel Herrando-Rodrigo I am a senior lecturer (PhD) in the Department of English and German Studies at the Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain), where I teach linguistics. My research interests focus on the exploration of Identity in medical RAs and their correspondent popularizations, genre analysis and written academic discourse. The results of my research on the…
Read MorePG Tips Predoctoral Seminar at CARE (Centre of Advanced Research in English)
Dr Isabel Herrando-Rodrigo was invited to participate in a PG Tips Predoctoral Seminar at CARE (Centre of Advanced Research in English), University of Birmingham (UK), March 5, 2019. Herrando-Rodrigo, Isabel: “A research (hi)story of writers’ visibility; from written academic discourse to digital genres (and back to discourse)” This research seminar was addressed to doctoral students…
Read MoreJornadas de Innovación AngloTIC 2018: Isabel Herrando explores how variables can shape writers’ identity
Isabel Herrando-Rodrigo was invited to participate at the Jornadas de Innovación AngloTIC at the Universidad de Valencia (Spain), the days 20th and 21st November, 2018. Isabel’s talk, which was titled “Do genre and context shape writers’ identity in scientific English texts?”, aimed at raising awareness on how variables, such as genre and situational context, shape…
Read More14th ESSE 2018: Transferring knowledge within academic and institutional contexts: A focus on new and hybrid digital genres
Herrando-Rodrigo, Isabel: “Who’s talking to me?: The construction of writers’ identity in digital academic genres” Abstract Nowadays Internet has become the platform which everybody resorts to when suffering from a health problem. This urgent need to find out medical information (Herrando-Rodrigo, 2014) has led institutions and mass media publications to craft a new digital genre…
Read MoreCERLIS 2018: Isabel Herrando-Rodrigo and Ramón Plo. Knowledge Transfer and Knowledge Exchange in Academia
Herrando-Rodrigo, Isabel, and Plo-Alastrué, Ramón: “An ethnographic approach to digital knowledge transfer genres” Abstract Current quality standards in the academia are raising scholars’ awareness not only of the importance of becoming an active contributor in their specific disciplines but also the urge to increase the overall visibility of their research. These days, research institutions tend…
Read More36th AESLA 2018: Conference Applied Linguistics and Knowledge Transfer: Employability, Internationalization and Social Challenges
Plo-Alastrué, Ramón, and Herrando-Rodrigo, Isabel: “Disseminating academic knowledge through digital interactive genres: Are Spanish scholars meeting this social challenge?” Abstract Researchers are nowadays encouraged to meet certain social challenges, posed for instance by H2020, in order to increase their reputation, visibility and, eventually, funding. To be internationally competitive, calls favour research projects that disseminate and…
Read More1st CAAD 2017: International Conference Corpus Analysis in Academic Discourse
Herrando-Rodrigo, Isabel: “Authors’ visibility in medical discourse: is there a single framework of corpus analysis to fit it all?” Abstract This study aims to contribute to the concept of writer’s visibility inspired by approaches to the analysis of identity in written discourse such as those taken by Ivanič (1998), Charles (1999) or John (2005), among…
Read MoreIX CILC 2017: International Conference on Corpus Linguistics
Herrando-Rodrigo, Isabel: “Academic and knowledge dissemination genres analysed from the standpoint of interpersonality: research articles and their electronic dissemination adaptations” Abstract This paper studies the applicability of interpersonal metadiscourse (IM) as a framework and the subsequent limitations it poses. My contribution will focus on the implementation of a cline of writers’ visibility in a corpus…
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