Paula Wood
Paula Wood Borque

I have been a PhD student in the Department of English and German Studies at the University of Zaragoza since the year 2020, and I was granted a research fellowship by the Diputación General de Aragón (DGA) in April 2022. The main objective of my thesis project is to design, compile and carry out a multimodal analysis of a corpus of films and series in English to then offer exploitation proposals of specific fragments from them for the English as a Foreign Language classroom in Secondary Education, in order to develop students’ multimodal communicative competence and multiliteracies, among other skills. As part of the InterGEDI research group, my main responsibilities are updating the website and contributing to the SciDis corpus compilation and processing. I am currently working on the compilation and multimodal analysis of my own corpus and on sharing my research through conferences and publications. You can find my research results here: