InterGedi and TU Chemnitz embark on a new project: “I, Expert: Media competence for science through linguistics”
InterGedi is thrilled to officially announce a new project in collaboration with Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany. The project is sponsored by the DAAD research programme (German Academic Exchange Service), which is funded by the world's largest funding organisation, supporting the international exchange of students and scholars. Led by our colleague Marina Ivanova, together with other research fellows at the English Department of the Faculty of Humanities at TU Chemnitz, the project is entitled “I, Expert: Media competence for science through linguistics".

This DAAD project aims to promote language awareness in a variety of digital practices and media employed for science communication, so that researchers can disseminate their results credibly and citizens can digest them effectively. To that endeavour, the team of researchers at TU Chemnitz will offer their expertise in English and Digital Linguistics, while the team of researchers at InterGedi will contribute to the project through their work on digital scientific communication.
To address the goals and expected outcomes of the project, we will carry out two main actions during 2024. First, a conference willl be organised in Chemnitz in October and, then, an autumn school will follow in Zaragoza in November. Finally, it is our desire to create and share a collection of annotated best practice examples for common genres of science communication trying to make the language of science communication more accessible and seeking to promote media competence for science through linguistics.
We are currently preparing the conference, to which several InterGedi members will contribute. The conference themes comprise 1) linguistic features of science communication; 2) genres of science communication; 3) personal experiences in science communication; 4) problems of communicating competence; 5) problems of integrity and unethical practices); and 6) problems of good will and transfer.
Preliminary information about the conference can be read here. Updates about the event, including the sessions of the programme and the full abstracts will be offered soon.
We would like to finish by thanking our research colleagues at TU Chemnitz for offering us this opportunity and for trusting in our expertise. We are certain that this project will be a bedrock to continue our academic and personal relationships and to effectively advance in our research interests. Stay tuned for more!