BCLSE 2021: Isabel Herrando-Rodrigo co-authors a paper on the dissemination of (dis)information through podcasts with Pedro Satústegui and Noelia Navas

At the 9th edition of the Brno Conference of Linguistic Studies in English, which was organised at Masaryk University and took place online during the 14th and 15th September, our InterGedi member Isabel Herrando-Rodrigo presented a communication enclosed in the strand “COVID and English Language Discourse” together with Pedro Satústegui and Noelia Navas, colleagues from the Faculty of Health Sciences at Universidad de Zaragoza. Their interdisciplinary communication is titled “Disinformation and COVID in Spain: Disseminating (para)scientific knowledge through podcasts” and here you can check their abstract and a couple of slides extracted from their presentation.

The Spanish Government’s agenda and public affairs framing have determined the existence of a mediatized democracy (Sampedro, 2014), with a highly polarized and yet ideologically uniformed Media (Busquet, 2010). The extraordinary measures imposed to control SARS–Cov–2 transmission have generated new access restrictions to pieces of information that should not be public yet common (Sampedro, 2014).
This paper aims at describing the production and dissemination of podcasts related to COVID–19 in Ivoox platform. It also analyzes the relationship of these two processes with the different phases of the pandemic from January 2020 to March 2021.
For such purpose, a temporal tendency analytical study was conducted. Ivoox platform was selected for a conveniency choice. To interpret these results, morbidity and mortality data by COVID–19 in Spain were also analyzed (data obtained from INE, 2021- Instituto Nacional de Estadística)
Preliminary results showed how podcasting reflected the epidemiologic changes perceived by the general public. A detailed analysis allows us to suggest that podcast genre has the ability to anticipate a health crisis that is still producing thousands of victims.
Busquet, J. (2010). Sistemas mediáticos comparados. Tres modelos de relación entre los medios de comunicación y la política. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 129, 165-168. http://www.reis.cis.es/REIS/PDF/REIS_129_071262609522690.pdf
Instituto Nacional de Estadística (2021). Estimación del número de defunciones semanales (EDeS) durante el brote de COVID–19. https://www.ine.es/experimental/defunciones/experimental_defunciones.htm
Ivoox. (2012). Ivoox Podcast y Radio. https://www.ivoox.com
Sampedro, V. (2014). El Cuarto Poder en Red, periodismo bucanero y activismo de datos punk. Revista de estudios de Juventud, 105: 25–38. https://victorsampedro.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Revista105completa-fragmento-vsb.pdf