InterGedi participates in NetPra2, a conference about digital pragmatics

Last 22-24 October, the second edition of the NetPra conferences took place online. Organised by the University of Helsinki, the event was very successful and offered a wide variety of approaches and topics around the field of ‘Internet pragmatics’ under the theme of “Interactions, Identities, Intentions”. The InterGedi research group participated at the conference through a presentation by Daniel Pascual about the pragmatic meta-functions in the multimodal homepages of the research project websites gathered in the EUROPRO digital corpus.
Keynote speakers included reknown scholars such as Tuomo Hiipala, who provided a multimodal analysis to further understand pragmatics in social media situations; Sirpa Lepännen, who explained how semiotization is relevant in order to fashion users, both selves and others; and Ruth Page, who dealt with the notion of ‘relatability’ from a pragmatic perspective as applied in social media. Julien Luonghi and Anita Fetzer also delivered plenary talks and tackled from different perspectives the analysis of political discourse and their pragmatic implications in current digital, discursive practices. Luonghi focused on Twitter environments by using corpora related to the French political context, whereas Fetzer dived into participants’ meaning-making processes in mediated political discourse.
All participants contributed to making an appealing, insightful event by sharing really interesting pieces of research tackling different objects of study and methodologies. Hopefully, we will be meeting face-to-face at the NetPra3 and will share again our interesting results and implications when it comes to Internet Pragmatics.
Check the overall programme and Daniel Pascual’s proposal here.