Dr. Pilar Mur-Dueñas participates in the 6th GRAPE webinar
Our team member Dr. Pilar Mur-Dueñas was invited to participate as a speaker in the 6th International Webinar on Multimodal Discourse Analysis, celebrated on the 21st and 22nd of November and organised by the GRAPE research group.

GRAPE (Group for Research on Academic and Professional English) is a group of researchers mostly based in the Universitat Jaume I (Castellón de la Plana, Spain), whose main interests revolve around the analysis of academic and professional discourse in English from a multimodal perspective, as well as Content and Language Integrated Learning. Each year they organise and celebrate the “International Webinar on Multimodal Discourse Analysis”. This year’s edition was titled “Digital Genres and Multimodal English Language Learning”, and invited well-known scholars such as Prof. Bill Cope, Dr. Elisabetta Adami, Dr. Jarret Geenen, and our colleague Dr. Pilar Mur-Dueñas.
Dr. Pilar Mur-Dueñas’s presentation was titled “From the analysis of multimodal digital genres to the development of English learners’ multiliteracies”. In her talk, she explained how professional practices become more complex and digitally reliant, and she highlighted the consequent need to develop learners’ multiliteracies. For this, she established links between the results of research on scientific digital practices and English learners’ training, in order to explore and propose ways of developing learners’ skills and multiliteracies.
You can read Pilar’s and the other participants’ abstracts here.

This was a great opportunity for Dr. Pilar Mur-Dueñas to share her research and to establish connections with other researchers in the field of multimodality. Special thanks to the GRAPE research group for the invitation and for such a well-organised event.