CMC 2023: Rosa Lorés explores intertextual patterns in science dissemination

Rosa Lorés Sanz participated in CMC-Corpora 2023 (10th International Conference on CMC and Social Media Corpora for the Humanities), which was held 14th-15th September 2023 by the University of Mannheim (Germany) and the Leibniz Institute for the German Language (IDS).
In her talk, titled “The recontextualization of expert knowledge: intertextual patterns in digital science dissemination”, Dr. Lorés addressed the issue of intertextuality in digital scientific feature articles. For this, she presented her findings as regards the use of (direct and indirect) quotations, within which she identified three subcategories based on the intertextual resources and affordances exploited: textual quotations, multimodal quotations and digital quotations.
The full abstract of Rosa Lorés Sanz’s talk can be consulted as follows:
The recontextualization of expert knowledge: intertextual patterns in digital science dissemination
Technology is having an unprecedented impact on the communication of specialized knowledge, which takes advantage of the use of digital modes and media to reach multiple, diversified audiences. To serve this purpose, expert knowledge is subjected to various processes of recontextualization. I here explore the intertextual patterns used in digital scientific dissemination to recontextualize expert knowledge to reach less specialized audiences, as well as the role played by digital affordances to shape the intertextual patterns identified. For such purposes, I focus on a corpus of 30 digital scientific feature articles, where, among other features, the use of direct/indirect quotations and intertextual text-types and networks are explored. Results reveal the existence of patterns of intertextuality in the feature articles analysed, in which digital affordances (i.e. hyperlinks) combine with other “offline” intertextual resources for different recontextualization purposes and in various ways, depending on the level of expertise and specialisation aimed at in the text.
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