CMC 2023: Ana Sancho analyses science dissemination practices on Twitter
Ana E. Sancho-Ortiz presented her paper “Scientific communication on social media: Analysing Twitter for knowledge recontextualisation” at the 10th International Conference on CMC and Social Media Corpora for the Humanities, which was organised by the University of Mannheim (Germany) and the Leibniz Institute for the German Language (IDS).
In this conference, which took place on 14th-15th September 2023, Sancho-Ortiz dealt with scientific dissemination practices carried out by organisational Twitter accounts on environmental purposes. She specifically focused on how the verbal and the visual mode, as well as diverse types of hyperlinks (e.g., hashtags, outbound links and tags) are conveniently combined in this type of text to reach informative and engagement purposes.
The full abstract of Ana E. Sancho-Ortiz’s talk can be consulted as follows:
Scientific communication on social media: Analysing Twitter for knowledge recontextualisation
In the last decades and as a result of the growing concern with ensuring the democratisation of science, Twitter has gained importance within the scientific community as a means for the transmission of specialised knowledge both within experts and non-expert audiences. Considering this, the present paper studies the phenomenon of science dissemination and popularisation on Twitter, taking the official accounts of Greenpeace and WWF as its object of analysis. For this purpose, a total of 100 tweets from these accounts were gathered and analysed through manual reading. Based on this analysis, it was found that Twitter for science dissemination primarily responds to informative and engagement purposes, which are materialised through the convergence of the verbal and visual modes and the combination of diverse types of hyperlinks (e.g., hashtags, tags and outbound links). As a result, it was concluded that the use of Twitter features and affordances for science dissemination is determined by the prevalence of non-expert audiences over expert ones.
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