CIRES Research Seminar 2022
Together with other members from the research group CIRES (Comunicación Internacional y Retos Sociales), the InterGedi team organised a research seminar titled “Research Methods in Discourse Analysis and Translation Studies” last Thursday 27th of October. We had four invited speakers from different universities in Spain; Pascual Pérez Paredes, Julia Valeiras, Noa Talaván and Miguel Ángel Benítez Castro.

Dr. Pascual Pérez Paredes, from the University of Murcia, delivered a talk titled “Lingüística de corpus y análisis de registros y géneros profesionales”. In it, he explored corpus approaches to textual analysis focusing on research designs using corpora and what working with corpora can offer researchers. He also discussed how corpus design and data accountability are essential when using corpus linguistics methods.

The second speaker was Dr. Julia Valeiras, from the University of Jaume I (Castellón). In her presentation, titled “Métodos de investigación en el análisis multimodal del discurso de géneros orales”, she talked about multimodality in oral discourse, multimodal persuasion in professional and academic genres and multimodal engagement in cybergenres, focusing on the use of persuasive strategies.

Next speaker was Dr. Noa Talaván, from the National Distance Education University (UNED). Her presentation was titled “Métodos de investigación en traducción audiovisual didáctica: El proyecto TRADILEX”. She first introduced the concept of didactic audiovisual translation and how it can be used as a research method, and then explored the TRADILEX project and the future of audiovisual translation.
Finally, Dr. Miguel Ángel Benítez Castro, from the University of Zaragoza, delivered a paper titled “Métodos de investigación en detección de emoción y opinión en discurso propagandístico”. He presented his research project, which aims to find and analyse signs of radicalization discourse in digital media, and explained their process of analysis.

We are happy to say that this was a very successful seminar. We are looking forward to the next one!