UPCEL 2022: Daniel Pascual’s analysis on the use of strategies for dissemination of information through Twitter
Daniel Pascual delivered a paper at the at the conference UPCEL 2022 (4th International UCM Predoctoral Conference on English Linguistics), which took place during the 24th and 25th of January in the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. In his presentation he analyses the strategies used by academics for disseminating their research through the platform Twitter, and…
Read MoreCLAVIER 2021: Isabel Corona studies mechanisms for multimodal cohesion in homepages of international research projects
With her presentation, Isabel Corona finished off the thematic panel that InterGedi delivered at the CLAVIER2021 Conference. This time, she placed the focus on the hompages of the EUROPROwebs corpus and tried to illustrate how recurrent verbal and visual combinations were significant carriers of semantic and logical meaning within this genre. In order to do that, she drew…
Read MoreBCLSE 2021: Enrique Lafuente-Millán offers a multiple analytical perspective on the (dis)similarities of promotion and evaluation in research project and corporate websites
September 16th and 17th were the dates chosen to hold the 9th edition of the Brno Conference on Linguistic Studies in English. The event, which was hosted online, had this year a special emphasis on patterns and variation in English language discourse. Our InterGedi colleague, Enrique Lafuente-Millán, presented his latest research on the similarities and…
Read MoreBCLSE 2021: Isabel Herrando-Rodrigo co-authors a paper on the dissemination of (dis)information through podcasts with Pedro Satústegui and Noelia Navas
At the 9th edition of the Brno Conference of Linguistic Studies in English, which was organised at Masaryk University and took place online during the 14th and 15th September, our InterGedi member Isabel Herrando-Rodrigo presented a communication enclosed in the strand “COVID and English Language Discourse” together with Pedro Satústegui and Noelia Navas, colleagues from…
Read MoreLSPPC6 2021: (4/4) Silvia Murillo discusses in our panel the usage of terminology in research project websites
Our colleague Silvia Murillo closed the panel “Analysing Scientific Digital Discourse: The case of research project websites in international contexts” that the InterGedi research group presented at the 6th Asia-Pacific LSP & Professional Communication Association Conference organized by the City University of Hong Kong. In her talk, “An Exploration of the Treatment of Terminology in…
Read MoreLSPPC6 2021: (3/4) Rosa Lorés puts forward the evaluative language of science used on the web!
As part of a panel entitled “Analysing Scientific Digital Discourse: The case of research project websites in international contexts”, which took place at the 6th Asia-Pacific LSP & Professional Communication Association Conference organized by the City University of Hong Kong, Rosa Lorés delivered a paper entitled “Science on the web: Evaluative language in international research…
Read MoreLSPPC6 2021: (2/4) Daniel Pascual uncovers research projects’ pragmatic strategies to present their Partners
The pragmatic analysis unveiled a wide range of strategies within three main communicative functions (informational, promotional and interactional) in the Partners sections of the EUROPROwebs digital corpus. These strategies were conceptualised and discussed to comprehend how research projects introduce the institutions and members that make up the consortium of human agents involved in the international…
Read MoreLSPPC6 2021: (1/4) Isabel Corona explores visual-verbal relations in European research websites, as part of the InterGedi panel for the LSPPC6 conference
As part of a panel entitled “Analysing Scientific Digital Discourse: The case of research project websites in international contexts”, which took place at the 6th Asia-Pacific LSP & Professional Communication Association Conference organized by the City University of Hong Kong, Isabel Corona delivered a paper entitled “Understanding text and image relations in the construction of…
Read MoreMAG 2021: Pascual and Mur-Dueñas’ communication on a pragmatic and metadiscoursal analysis of research projects’ Twitter accounts
Daniel Pascual and Pilar Mur-Dueñas delivered a paper at MAG 2021 (3rd Metadiscourse Across Genres Mapping Interaction in Spoken & Written Discourses) organized online by Universitat Jaume I. The event took place last 27th and 28th May 2021. In their study they reported the use made of informative, promotional and interactional pragmatic strategies and their…
Read MoreMAG 2021: Rosa Lorés explores metadiscourse in the online genre of the digest in her plenary lecture
Rosa Lorés participated as a keynote speaker at the 3rd Metadiscourse Across Genres (MAG 2021), organized by Universitat Jaume I on May 27-28, 2021. In her talk she problematized the role of metadiscourse as an encompassing approach to the study of digital textual practices, taking into account that metadiscourse seems to be genre-related and context-dependent,…
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