METM’18: Oliver Shaw’s workshop on the discussion section in research articles.

Oliver Shaw conducted a workshop about the discussion section in academic research articles for the Mediterranean Editors and Translators Meeting (MEMT) that took place the 5th of October in Girona (Spain).

His workshop was titled “The discussion section in academic research articles: patterns, practices and insights for editors and translators”, and the full abstract can be consulted as follows:


This workshop explores the discussion section in research papers, commonly regarded as one of the most vexing writing tasks for users of English as an additional language (EAL) due to its less formulaic and more dialogic nature. Participants gain insight on how to respond to this oft-unmet need in language support by helping their clients structure texts in ways that resonate with international audiences. To do this, we examine descriptive frameworks of the discussion developed within Swalesian genre studies, evaluating how this evidence-based research may be applied to wordface work.