Special Issue at Publications on Scientific and Parascientific communication is underway!

Dr Pilar Mur-Dueñas and Dr Rosa Lorés will be publishing a special issue on Scientific and Parascientific Communication in Publications, an international peer-reviewed open access journal published online by MDPI.
With this special issue, insights will be gained into the increasingly diverse digital, multimodal, and multimedia practices of scientists to disseminate their research results and engage the diversified audiences. Such practices frequently entail the blurring of boundaries between experts and non-experts, between scientific communities and the general public.
Several research questions will be explored, such as the extent to which parascientific communication differs from scientific communication, which new discoursal practices are emerging in response to boundary erosion in scientific communication or whether well-established methodological approaches are validated to explore digital scientific and parascientifc communication
The deadline for submission of full papers is September 30 2021. Full details about already planned papers and manuscript submission can be found here: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/publications/special_issues/Sci_parasci_commun