In our research we carry out both qualitative and quantitative analyses. Our text-based analyses are undertaken on self-compiled corpora. For our previous project we compiled the EUROPRO Digital Corpus. The corpus we are currently working with, the SciDis Digital Corpus, is now under construction.
We make use of corpus concordance programs such as Worsdmith Tools, MonoConc, #LancsBox and AntConc. We also rely on the software NVivo por qualitative and quantitative studies. In order to gather data from the project participants, we make use of ethnomethodological tools such as questionnaires and semi-structured interviews.

SciDis Digital Database

This database includes 75 English-language websites or digital platforms: 25 per subject area (Health, Economy and Natural Sciences), 5 per genre within each subject area (institutional research blog, individual microblogging (Twitter), institutional microblogging (Twitter), online scientific news, scientific explanatory sites)


SciDis Digital Corpus
*Under construction*