Jan Engberg
Jan Engberg

I am Professor of Knowledge Communication at the School of Communication and Culture, Section of German Business Communication, University of Aarhus, Denmark. I teach general courses in text and genre linguistics and in philosophy of science as well as specialized courses in domain-specific translation, financial communication and change communication, with a focus upon German and Danish contexts. My research interests are the study cognitive aspects of specialized discourse and the relation between specialized knowledge and text formulation. Much of my research is focused upon communication, translation and meaning in the field of law. However, especially with Carmen Daniela Maier I have also studied academic publishing as well as multimodal genres disseminating academic knowledge from different disciplines. In the context of dissemination, concepts relevant for describing popularization as a knowledge-communicative act (like the level of explanatory depth) are central and have been used for studying legal institutions popularizing basic legal concepts as well as scientists popularizing their own field in radio shows. I have published widely in the field and co-edited a number of books and special issues of international journals. Finally, I am co-editor in chief of the international journals Fachsprache – Journal of Professional and Scientific Communication and Hermes – Journal of Language and Communication in Business.
My published research is available on: