Ana Sancho

Ana Eugenia Sancho Ortiz

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I am a PhD student in the Department of English and German Studies at the University of Zaragoza in her fist year (2022), for which I have been granted a research fellowship by the Diputación General de Aragón (DGA). My thesis is framed within the field of digital genre analysis as it focuses on digital academic communication within the context of social media platforms (namely Twitter). My main objective is to research on the communicative practices carried out by specialists from the field of (physical) health to disseminate knowledge to their (expert and non-expert) audience(s), which makes my thesis to aligned with the interests of InterGedi. As part of this research group, my main responsibilities are contributing to the bibliographical revision and compilation needed for the analysis of the SciDis corpus. Given my recent incorporation in the research academic world, I am currently in an initial information stage in which I am getting acquainted with all the theoretical notions and research perspectives necessary to carry out my thesis, while also giving the first steps in the compilation of the corpus I will be analysing in the following years.

Find my research results here: